I love this clock, it is such an innovative idea. I'm sure no one has ever thought of a clock that works like this before and it's so simple and easy to read. It's like a cross between an analogue clock with the numbers in a circle and a digital clock because it sits on a surface like a digital alarm clock.It makes me think, does the whole clock move and the red hand stay still or vice versa.
Image from Computer Arts. 20, 21

This christmas card made for a PR company that was sending it to clients all over the world, therefore it had to be versatile and broad in its religious message. I think that the idea of a very simple solid colour background with a die cut represents christmas while still being professional. Added to this is the fact that they don't have the logo on it, it just says "seasons greetings from Hill and Knowlton UK" which makes it even more professional, they aren't trying to sell anything they're just saying thanks for your business this year, have a good holiday and were looking foward to our continued business next year.

Biography. (n.d.) Retrieved on May 28 2010 from http://www.thekingcenter.org/Default.aspx
Designed for life.(December 2008). Computer Arts. 20, 21
Hickey, Lisa. (2004). Designs that stand up, speak out and can't be ignored: promotions. Massachusettes. Rockport Publishers, Inc. 128
Martin Luthur King, Jr. (n.d.). Retrieved on May 28 2010 from http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
New prducts-hive-little people. (May, 27 2010). Retrieved on May 28 2010 from http://www.interiordesign.net/newproductdetail/2140496935.html
This one isn't working either, can't get all of the text to be the same size.