The best bit about them is that they are on shared tracks above the ground, therefore they can travel constantly while cars have to stop and start, they are waiting at the station when you arrive to take you to your destination. The pods are also good for the environment reducing pollution by using small batteries that charge when the pods are in the station. This new technology is designed by Advances Transportation Systems and is called Ultra PRT (personal rapid transport).
I also had reservations about the batteries, as there was much debate years ago about hybrid cars and that the batteries in those cars were in fact just as bad, but after some research I have come to the conclusion that the batteries in the hybrid cars are no worse for the environment than those of a normal car, the difference between a normal car and a hybrid is that a hybrid combines electric and gasoline to create a more fuel efficient car. After learning about batteries I believe that there is no problem and in fact a better solution than cars. Electricity is a renewable resource as long as we use the right things to create it. Wind turbines, geothermal energy, tidal power and solar power are New Zealands future electricity producers.
Design is about creating something new, something that will make every day life easier and for me this works. Not only does it look good, but it's practical and is thinking about the future and the environment too.
Fuller, John. (09 April 2009). Do hybrid cars cause pollution?. Retrieved May 23Hybrid batteries: Long lasting freshness.(2005). Retrieved May 23, 2010 from http://hybridblog.typepad.com/my_weblog/2005/06/hybrid_batterie.html
McKeough, T. (January/February). ULTra PRT I.D. magazine. 38,39
Powell, Philip. (n.d.). What you should know about hybrid cars. Retrieved May 23, 2010 from http://cars.about.com/cs/familysedans/a/hybrid_explain.htm
"Should we be worried about hybrid-car batteries?" (2005) Retrieved May 25, 2010 from http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/06/should_we_be_wo_1.php
ULTra sustainable personal transport (2010) Retrieved May 23, 2010 from http://www.ultraprt.com/
Wow, I didn't even know these pods existed. Hopefully we will be seeing these in the near future. It sure seems like a much better method environment/power-wise.
ReplyDeleteI think they are a long way away from being in New Zealand.
ReplyDeleteHence why, in the future. :P
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that they travel on shared tracks? Does this mean they could be flawed in a such a way because they could only all travel one direction at once. I guess that this is all about the design process an finding a way to make this all work.